

The first step in the engineering process involves identification of a problem and then providing ways to solve it.

Modeling and Coding

Engineering knowledge and assumptions have to be used to simplify the problem. From there a model is created, then analytical and numerical solutions are investigated to verify potential solutions.


The ability to convey solutions in an intelligent and concise manner allow others to follow in the conceptual footsteps of the solution.

Eric Smith
Mechanical Engineering



Work Experience

(click to view)

Head Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)

Georgia Institute of Technology

May 2007-December 2012, August 2013-December 2013; Teaching Assistant January 2014-Present

• Designed new laboratory experiments for Acoustics, Controls, Signal Processing and Vibrations.

• Assisted in the process of acquiring new hardware and software: Laser Doppler Vibrometers (Polytec), Accelerometers (PCB), LabVIEW, National Instruments myRio and CDAQ.

• Helped maintain and fix laboratory experimental devices.

• Coded LabVIEW Virtual Instruments (VIs) for experimentation and MATLAB code for analysis.

• Created Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations to provide overview of lab theory to students.

• Created Microsoft Word Documents to provide essential procedure to students.

• Managed teaching assistant scheduling, work load and delivered grading advice.

• Interacted with students and teaching assistants to resolve conflicts.

• Evaluated student and teaching assistance performance via graded materials.

• Awarded “Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant” by the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering in 2010.

• Recognized as a finalist by the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in 2010 for outstanding Teaching Assistant performance.

Laboratory Redesign Consultant

Georgia Institute of Technology

October 2015-Present

• Worked in conjunction with professors and other teaching assistants to redesign senior level lab.

• Thoroughly analyzed current shortcomings and constraints on laboratory experience.

• Helped generated solutions and created PowerPoint Presentations to showcase ideas.

Reviewer: President's Undergraduate Research Award & Air Products Award

Georgia Institute of Technology

April 2013-Present

• Evaluated and provided guidance to undergraduate researchers in mechanical engineering.

• Interacted with undergraduate students during poster sessions - judged presentation and research quality.

• Provided feedback to assist GaTech on funding decisions related to individual undergraduate research projects.

Project Engineer (Co-Op Student)

Impact Technologies LLC, Rochester, NY.

November 2004-May 2005

• Wrote MATLAB code to analyze aircraft engine vibration.

• Performed test machine experimentation and analysis to diagnose bearing faults.

• Utilized OROS for modal testing on jet turbines.

• Created a LabVIEW interface and data analysis program for power plant turbines.

Project Engineer (Co-Op Student)

Everest VIT, Skaneateles Falls, NY.

November 2004-May 2005

• Performed and updated testing procedures on video borescopes.

• Created Microsoft Excel documents to calculate part life and how to modify existing parts for longer life. Then performed testing on aforementioned parts.

• Utilized machine shop to create test fixtures.

• Worked with assembly line to evaluate ways to improve productivity.


Doctor of PhilosophyMaster of ScienceBachelor of Science
Georgia Institute of Technology Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Mechanical Engineering
2008 – 2016 Shock and Vibration Isolation Concepts Through Use of Dynamic, Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Mechanical Systems.
Georgia Institute of Technology Master of Science (M.S.), Mechanical Engineering
2006 – 2008 Non-thesis option with classwork focusing on dynamics, controls and mathematics.
Rochester Institute of Technology Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Mechanical Engineering
2001 – 2006 Senior Design Project investigated seizures via fundamentals of vibrations and signal processing.

Student Reviews

(Anonymous Reviews via CETL)